Which Teeth Whitening Procedure is Right for You?

Teeth whitening products are everywhere these days. One can hardly turn on the TV without seeing two friends comparing smiles and talking about ways to whiten. There are so many different options and methods available, it can be pretty overwhelming. Take a closer look at the teeth whitening methods out there, and find out which is the right one for you.

What a Difference Whiter Teeth Can Make

In a survey conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a whopping 99.7 percent said having a healthy smile is socially important. People use a smile to attract significant others, to make friends, to put clients at ease, and to try to get their way in things — such as escaping a traffic ticket. A survey from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry shows that 74 percent of adults think having an unattractive smile can hurt them professionally. And of people surveyed who had their teeth professionally whitened through cosmetic dentistry, 82.5 percent said they saw a significant difference in their teeth. There’s a reason why every teeth whitening procedure is so popular, and why so many exist. They work to give you whiter teeth, and that gives you more confidence.

Ongoing Care With a Cosmetic Dentist

Whitening is not a one-time procedure. A person will need to get a teeth whitening procedure regularly to maintain a bright, dazzling smile. One should also consider giving up coffee, cigarettes, red wine, and other food and drink known to cause tooth stains.

If someone gets a regular teeth whitening procedure, they will have a continuously white and beautiful smile that others will notice and some might envy. Talk to your dentist at Pillar Dental about starting your whitening treatments, how often you need whitening treatments, and maintaining a regular whitening routine to get a totally TV-ready smile.

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