A Peaceful Visit, Guaranteed: 3 Types Of Dental Sedation Drugs Explained Did you know that the average time Americans go between dental visits is three years? Though most wait this long for financial reasons (as dental insurance isn’t always offered by employers), others are stricken by a childhood fear; as time passes, they convince themselves that the dentist and all dental work is something to be afraid of. Fortunately, sedation dentistry can ensure not only that they have a smooth and fear-free visit but can reassure them that dentistry isn’t as terrifying as they’ve always believed it to be by creating a positive experience. Let’s take a look at the three most common kinds of dental sedation drugs used in sedation dentistry.
Laughing Gas:
For those with only mild anxieties (or mild dental procedures), nitrous oxide — also known as laughing gas — is used. You’ll be fully conscious but will find yourself much more relaxed during the appointment. Because the effects wear off quite quickly, you’ll most likely be allowed to drive yourself home when all is said and done.

Oral Sedation: This type of dental sedation drug is also referred to as “conscious sedation,” and involves you taking a prescribed dose of a sedative before your procedure. You’ll be awake for your appointment, but will be completely relaxed; in fact, you may remember very little or nothing at all of the experience. However, this type of sedation takes longer to wear off, so you’ll need to arrange for a ride home from a family member or friend.

IV Sedation: There are two types of IV sedation: twilight, where you’re conscious but not very aware of your surroundings, and general anesthesia. The former makes you feel very sleepy, but you are not unconscious; this means the dentist is able to wake you up if need be. The latter is usually reserved exclusively for patients who need significant oral surgery or those who are resistant to other types of sedation. Your dentist will need to be trained in a specialized program to administer general anesthesia as your vital signs need to be monitored the entire time.

Dental sedation drugs are designed to help you relax during your appointment. For those especially anxious and stressed over visiting the dentist, they’re designed so you don’t remember a thing! Your childhood fears can be conquered and your oral hygiene cared for all in the same visit.


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